Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Derby Debunck Final Disasters

We arrive at the hotel lounge where the party was being held, and looked and felt great! I had some mac and cheese in my belly, champagne in my hand and a smile on my face! Kip had a painkiller in his belly, his fourth cocktail in his hand, and a smirk on his face that says, We both know I'm better than this.

He was reeling at our vodka friend for suggesting that he and I had acted like, "Scared little kittens" at the Michael Jordon party because we didn't want to socialize with entouraging hanger on pieces of hookerdom. This made Kip very angry as one could imagine. And me too for that matter. The truth is that I could spend all day BS ing with almost anyone and get them to find me charming, but I didn't want to waste my time!

I am introduced to a gentleman who was married to my friends boss, and had also married his eyes at my chest. He was rich and boring, and his wife couldn't stand me...shocker! I look around for Kip and can't seem to locate him. He was chatting up a nice guy and I went out to smoke.

While outside vodka friend comes out all a flutter about some stupid someone, and I decided that I was going to introduce myself to everyone there till there was no one left. I met all kinds of people! Politicians, PR guys, publicists, and another male model. This ones name was Sterling, or Stephan, or Stupid....I don't remember.

We begin to talk, and I am almost immediately regretful. He was very stupid, and very uninteresting, but very nice to look at. So I did that thing where you act like your listening to the person in front of you, and really your listening to a conversation across the room. I noticed that he was looking me in the eye. He appeared to be looking at my chin, or probably my mouth, when I turned to bob my head around to locate Kip. I could tell he was going to say something sexual. Then he sniffed me! Yes that's right! The man sniffed me! I had to ask!

"Did you just sniff me?"

"Are you staying at the hotel?"


"I am."

As I lock eyes with Kip and give him the HEEEEELP look, the model man bites my neck! Thank God for my Kippy whoms voice could be heard from all across the room as he leaps in my direction shouting,

"Okay! Time to go!"

I agree, and tell Kip and vodka that I will be using the ladies room and then hailing a "cab".

I come out of the bathroom to find vodka propping up Kip as he laughs histerically! And Kip says,

"Oh my God gurrrl...I'm that guy....I just fell down!" (laughing)


"Yeah he fell, and into my boss!" says vodka.

I laughed the rest of the night. We arrive back at the motor home and both fall fast asleep. We wake up at around 1 the next afternoon and laugh once again! Once for Kip saying over and over again, "Was I really that guy!" and secondly because when we looked outside, and all 400 RVs and tents were packed up and gone! It was like we were the one VW bus you see still in the parking lot 2 days after a grateful dead show. There we were. Me, Kip, and our neighbor boys. We packed up and left for home two hours later. It was a really good time, and priceless in stories!

Here's to you Kippy, the boys, and especially International Male Model Brad! Love you all!

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