Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Broken Ass and a Promotion

January is a wonderful time of year. One of my favorite months for all it represents. Reflection on the past year, the smell of hope and change in the air. And a chance to review my life much like an employee evaluation of myself.

I pretend in my head that I (January Mrs. Newlywed) is interviewing past year Mrs. Newlywed 2010. How are you valuable to the people in your life? Could you be a better friend? Do you feel you called your mother enough? Have you been reading your bible? Have you been a good wife? In what areas can you improve? What would make your life happier? How are your finances?

I won't bore you with all the details, but one year back in 2005 I did fire myself. I felt I wasn't living up to the expectations of my 2006 self, and it was time fill the position with someone more qualified.

After fifteen days of sober contemplation the interview was final, and a decision was made. I would ask for a promotion. Although bar tending has served me well financially, it was time to put more focus on my life. Less late nights spent away from my husband, slinging cocktails with a poor attitude to ungrateful people. I had noticed as many things were slipping through the cracks at my place of employment, and we gravely needed an events director. I made a proposal, went through detail after detail, and mustered up the confidence to go to the owner, and ask him to create a job for me.

Butterflies in my stomach and sweaty palms, I got through my monologue and he agreed that he needed it, and he thought I would be good at it. We agreed on the money and one week later, I am the Special Events Director for the downtown hot spot.

The first week was stressful, but really fun. I created party packages, set up catered events and returned about a thousand phone calls. I thought I was super prepared for the first weekend.

Friday I got into work and quickly began moving tables and getting things set up. I had bought some candles and different decor to decorate the tables for the private events. I even made thank you cards for the people who booked the events. Two hours later with everything set to go, I realized that the 70 person party I just set up, was actually Saturday night. I had a good laugh, and well growing pains.

Saturday night I arrive and begin resetting all the stuff I had set up the previous night. It was going to be crazy. We had 3 birthday parties, a 70 person small business party, an artist showing in the gallery, a CD release party in the main room, and another 2 large groups for bottles service. Needless to say I was a little overwhelmed. Rushing around to get everything set up, get the deposits applied to checks,and make sure as soon as one reservation got up I could quickly reset the tables for the next catered party.

I run to basement to get one of the 4 cakes that had been delivered. It was in the shape and likeness of a Jose Cuervo bottle, and weighed about 10 lbs. I set the cake on the table and make a B line for the kitchen to get a stack of 25 plates. As I'm carrying them out I hit the first step and my leg slides right out under me. It was as if it was in slow motion. I had a decision to make. Throw the plates, try to grab something and risk broken glass in a servers face, try to save the plates and aim for my ass, or ....too late. Broken tail bone, badly bruised elbow, two very very swollen vertebrates, and 25 broken plates...Did I mention they were the only clean plates left in the house?

I lied there sobbing. People are swirling around, yelling things like "Are you okay?" and "Don't move her!"..."Can you move?" I just kept crying. It hurt. It hurt bad, but it felt good to have an excuse to cry on my first extremely stressful day on a job.

But look on the bright side! At least I have jury duty tomorrow! I want to punch my 2011 self, but she can't move. Confined to a circular ass pillow and thermal back pads, I'll save the ass kicking till next year. Happy New Year everyone!

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